Depression Relief

Get Your Life Back!

Get your life back and experience relief from depression with neurofeedback. Chronic depression is characterized by extended feelings of sadness, with a loss of interest in hobbies and activities, and can frequently impact normal relationships with friends and family. According to the NIMH, depression is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States.

If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, we may be able to help them at our Wheaton, Illinois clinic. Mind-altering medications are commonly prescribed for depression, and many can cause unwanted side effects.

Neurofeedback is all natural and is based on your brain’s innate ability to learn. There are no side effects from neurofeedback. Best of all, a course of neurofeedback can reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression so you can get your life back and feel more like yourself.

What can cause chronic depression?

There is much research that shows that depression is neurological, not psychological. Specific brain patterns are frequently linked to depression.

Therefore, training the brain through neurofeedback can effectively improve depression symptoms by regulating brainwaves.

How does neurofeedback improve depression symptoms?

Neurofeedback therapy teaches the brain to build healthy, new neural connections, decreasing the asymmetry of brain wave distribution and bringing it into balance.

Most cases of depression can be related to imbalances in the brain’s Alpha-Beta distribution. Reducing these imbalances can train the brain with neurofeedback and produce significant improvement.

Neurofeedback (also called Neurotherapy) begins by observing and analyzing your brainwaves with a Brain Map or qEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram). With this data, we create a personal training protocol designed to re-train your brain to help restore it to a healthier, more balanced function.

What types of results can be expected?

Typically, our clients with depression report a “lightening of their mood.” As the neurofeedback training progresses, this is accompanied by a decrease in negative self-talk and a gradual change in their overall outlook. These new, healthier emotions are due to the improved brainwave balance that neurofeedback helps to create.

Do the results last?

Neurofeedback works by helping your brain develop new, healthier neural pathways. These pathways remain long after your last training session. Think of it as learning how to ride a bike—once you learn how you simply don’t forget. The new pathways created during your training sessions work the same way. Once you learn, your brain will maintain the new, more balanceed brainwave patterns on its own, eliminating the cause of depressed feelings at the source.

Explore Neurofeedback and Give Us a Call

Neurofeedback Health His Way, located in Wheaton, Illinois, specializes in helping patients of many ages with brain-based conditions like depression. If medications are not working and you feel as if there are few alternatives, contact us or call us at 630-254-0766 for a free consultation and to get your questions answers. Learn more about us and see what kind of difference neurofeedback has made for other patients we have helped over the years.